About ATLAN Space

Shaping the future of mission-based autonomous constellations of UAVs for the greater good of humans and the environment.

Who are we today

ATLAN Space is a deep technology startup that develops Artificial Intelligence to make UAVs completely autonomous, more efficient, and able to fly safely Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS).

The patented technology uses long-endurance and low-altitude drones to carry out different types of information acquisition missions over large geographical areas, such as the detection of anomalies and environmental risks in real-time, mapping, and infrastructure inspection. ATLAN Space is currently offering its clients the following options:

Our main goal is to help our clients find smart solutions to their problems and perform different missions using our drone technology in the most efficient and independent way possible.

The experience that we’ve accumulated and the results that we have been able to attain have earned us the trust and sponsorship of UNIDO, Microsoft, NVIDIA international partners, MITC Capital. Katapult Ocean, CDG and list goes on. Which has given us the chance to patent our proprietary technology.

ATLAN Space is currently offering its clients the following options:

Simplify your Land-Surveying missions.

ATLAN GEO are high-endurance autonomous drones, capable of flying beyond the horizon to deliver perfectly exploitable results in a fraction of the time at a lower cost.

Understand your Fisheries Dynamics.

ATLAN Insight are high endurance autonomous drones capable of flying beyond the horizon to detect, identify and track suspicious activities in real-time, allowing our customers to cost-efficiently make sensitive decisions and protect their marine biodiversity.

Build your Mission Based Constellations.

Artificial Intelligence that you can embed in your own drones to scale-up the manufacturing process and automate your UAV flights.

Where it all started?

After the 2015 Paris Accords, Moroccans Badr Idrissi and Younes Moumen vowed to make a mark on environmental preservation, more specifically that of the maritime ecosystem. It was shocking to find out that 20% of the world’s fishing is illegal; simultaneously destroying biodiversity, threatening species extinction, and severely stunting third-world economies.

Drones seemed like a good solution if one needs to cover vast or remote areas. However, two limitations hinder their implementation by countries and businesses:

Expensive transmission equipment limited to every 100 km

Finding trained human operators to quickly scale projects

For Badr and Younes Artificial Intelligence was the answer

Our People

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    As a cutting-edge technology company that develops UAV software, our innovative solutions have been featured in numerous media outlets, from local news stations to prestigious weekly journals.

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